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The Reason Why I Sound Like A Broken Record

If I've had the pleasure of taking your order at the shop, you would probably notice that I repeatedly repeat your order.
I promise you, it's not because I didn't hear you.
This is how a typical transaction would go when you come into the shop.

Hello, just let me know when you're ready.
You're ready? Okay, what can we get for you?
Shrimp poboy.
Okay, would you like the 7 in. or the 14 in.?
7 in.
Okay, would you like it fried or grilled?
Lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo on it okay?
Fries and drink or by itself?
Yea, that's fine.
Okay, so I have a 7 in. fried shrimp poboy with lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo with the combo fries and drink.
Um, no tomatoes.
Got it, so a 7 in. fried shrimp poboy, no tomatoes, with combo fries and drink.
For here or togo?
Got it, so I have a 7 in. fried shrimp poboy, no tomatoes, combo fries and drink for togo.  Could I get your name please?
John Smith

Now, 99.9% of the time we are both on the same page. I get the customer's name, take the payment, and send the order to the back.
Order is complete, I yell out "JOHN!"
John comes up to the counter,
Okay John, 7 in. fried shrimp poboy, no tomatoes, combo.  Did you need some ketchup with that?

Bag the order and out the door John goes and I get the pleasure of repeating the same thing with my wonderful customers who comes and dines with us.

Remember, I said 99.9% of time right?
now that .01%...this is what would happen.

Shrimp poboy, fried, fully dressed ,combo
Okay, 7 in. or 14 in.?
7 in.
Okay, so 7 in. fried shrimp poboy combo, fully dressed the way it comes with lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo or would you like to add mustard, ketchup, pickles, and onions as well?
I said fully dressed.
Okay, fully dressed 7 in. shrimp poboy combo, fried.  For here or togo?

Order comes out,
Okay, fully dressed 7 in. fried shrimp poboy combo.
Customer acknowledges the order and customer leaves.

Now this next part can vary...very much so.  It can be anywhere from 10 minutes after the food has left the establishment up to 24-48 hours later.  I think I had some call back on a Monday from something from Friday...but you get the gist of it.

Hello, how can I help you?
I got my food from there and ya'll messed up my order. I didn't want any ketchup or mustard on it.
Okay, I'm sorry about that, let me pull up your order.  What time was it and what did you order?
Lunch time and I ordered a fried shrimp poboy fully dressed.
I pull up the ticket and indeed it says fully dressed on the ticket.
Well ma'am/sir I show here that you ordered it fully dressed.  Fully dressed comes with ketchup and mustard.
Ain't no one told me that.  I can't eat this.
Okay, how was it supposed to be dressed?
I just wanted lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo.
Okay, can you bring that poboy back for me please so I can let the owners know that the order was made incorrectly and we can remake you another one?
I can't come back now. 
We are open til 8pm.  I won't be able to correct the mistake without having the mistake back.
Well, I'm at work and I can't come back. I won't be coming back.

Granted, it doesn't ALWAYS happen as such, but it does occur.
Can someone explain to me why?
I've had someone let us know that we messed up their order and they literally kept the order from Friday evening, and brought it back into show us Monday morning our mistake.
When I am the person taking the order, I've learned to continually repeat the order  not just because I want to annoy anyone but to ensure that I have the order correctly.  I've been told I talk I figured I can just repeat myself over and over.  Somewhere in the conversation if something was incorrect then, they would correct me BEFORE the order is completed.  I am happy even if they correct before they leave the establishment.

One example,
older version of our menu
(hot, mild, or patty)
Both parties would be confused when it came to ordering so when the menu was revamped,
it now reads,
Mild Smoked Sausage
Manda Hot Links
Patton Patty

So a customer left feedback...
I ordered a sausage poboy and I got a sausage patty. A sausage poboy usually be made with smoke sausage cut in half and fried. One breakfast sausage cut in half. Really.!!!! I always loved your service but today I was very disappointed.

I was informed that the customer came in and ordered.
2 different people inquired with the customer that it was patty. When the back called out to the front to ask about the order, the customer heard it.  When you order a patty, we say patty.  We don't say sausage.  Now that I'm re-reading this feedback, we don't even offer breakfast sausage...and considering she came in at 2pm...I'm not sure what she's referring too...unless that's her idea of trying to have us visualize what a "sausage" is supposed to look like.

Apparently anyone working in the service industry has to be mind readers.

I'm sorry. I'm not a mind reader. Heck, I can barely figure out what is going on in my own mind muchless what is going on in your mind! But seriously.  I repeat the order and at any of those times, please correct me if it's wrong.

I am very lucky to have the relationship with those who dine at the shop.  Some of them are more than just customers.  They have become my friends.  There are a few who comes to dine in during their lunch.  And I always give them the free straw with purchase! There are those who comes weekly or bi weekly with their co-workers. I can tell you their regular order, and even though I know what they order I STILL REPEAT the order when they order.  There are customers who I see maybe once a month.  I think they get surprised I remember them.  Then it amazes them I remember what they order too! I have friends who have a rotation of what they like to order.  Some days I get it right. Other days I'm way off in left field. It's those who keep me sane and I will never be able to thank them enough ^_^


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