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Since When Did a PoBoy Shop Start Serving Fried Dogs?!

An interesting thing happened at work yesterday.  The lunch rush had just finished and a call comes through on the line.

Riiiinnnnggg!!! Riiiiinnnnggg!!!
PoBoy USA, how can I help you?
Yes, I was calling to find out what do you have on your menu?
Is there anything specific you are inquiring about?  We offer different selections from seafood to chicken wing plates...
Do you serve fried dogs?
I'm sorry, what was that?
Is this the place across from *garbled noise*
Again, I'm sorry, what was that?  This is PoBoy USA.
Are you across from the bank and the business center?
Yes, that's us.  Is there something I can help you with?
Do you serve fried dogs?
I'm sorry, we do not, is there anything else I can help you with?
I would like to make a suggestion to your menu.
Okay, what suggestion would that be ma'am?
You should add fried dogs to your menu. *snickering*
No ma'am, that won't be happening anytime soon.  Is there anything else I can help you with?

Okay, so the children are on spring break here.  No biggie...the phone rings again. It hasn't even been five minutes since the call disconnected. Normally, it wouldn't have bothered me but considering the fact we have caller ID, it was the same of course I answered it.

PoBoy USA, how can I help you?
Do you have FRIED DOGS?

Now at this point, my blood starts to boil.  Calling the first time was one thing, but to call back & deliberately ask for such an item...that's just racist in my book.
So I replied the best way I could...

If you call us one more time, I will be contacting the police and say that you are harassing this business.

This time, I hung up.

I didn't even attempt to give them the opportunity to try and respond because no matter what the response, it no longer mattered.
Now for them to call twice...the first time, harmless.  The second time, deliberate.
Fried dogs...of all things. I should have responded to them that United States is not a third world country, so there was no need for us to harbor dogs to fry.  But I didn't.

Third world countries are not well off.  So most of the things are done to survive.  It's a way of life because its survival mode.  Not for shits & giggles.  I guess for some people that did not have to go into that way of life, it's odd and weird.

Growing up, my parents were very strict with me and my siblings.  As for me, I am also strict with my children.  Previous generations didn't have to work long hours to provide for their family.  The cost of living has gone up, but sadly hourly wages are still at minimal.  I wonder if that's the main reasoning behind why this generation of children and older generations differ.
Parents had a more hands-on approach with their children and had the time and energy to help their children with homework and issues.  Or is it that as parents, we use excuses as to why we don't help our children when they need us.  It is possible our children needs help and we are blind to see it...Or is it technology and social media does "parenting for us"?
Is it possible that our children see us...our struggles...and think to themselves, "I'm gonna end up like my parents or elders"?  That's bullshit and as parents we know it.  No parent wants their child to struggle to survive.  Being a child, I took for granted a lot of what my parents have done for me.   Now that I have only Mommy, I'm much more grateful for what she has to offer and teach.  Granted, I may not always agree with what she has to say or lecture my way...she's speaking up because she loves me.  Same goes for my siblings. We may not always be in agreement, but to me as long as we speak up, we still care.

There's a new series out on Netflix. It's based of a book by Jay Asher called 13 Reasons Why. I have been listening to the audiobook while I crochet and it's seriously an eye opener. I haven't finished it yet, but once I do finish it I will be watching the series. I heard that Selena Gomez did a great job producing it and the one thing everyone is disappointed about is that the series leave so many questions unanswered.  Heard it on the radio this morning about how there were so many questions unanswered...even Jay Asher is looking forward to seeing what is done and if there would be a second season.  There was a mention about how he thought about writing a sequel, but haven't and is looking forward to seeing what is done with the story.  Social media plays a lot in our life nowadays.

For all I know, the kid calling had someone on the other end making a video to see what would the response be.  Either way, I hope their parents whoop their behind for that.  Not because they were prank calling, because let's be will be kids.  However, to suggest that because I'm Vietnamese...rather Asian...and the establishment I work at serves fried dogs is nothing short of a closed and narrow minded way of thinking and completely disrespectful.  That child will be in for a rude awakening one day if her parents or guardian don't shape her up.


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