Hello 😃
Let's see...I guess introduction would be a good way to start off a blog right?
Okay, intro. I can do this...
My name is Khe. Wanna take a gander at how it's pronounced?!?! 50/50 shot that you probably want to call me "Key." Go ahead. Just say it. You know you want to!
You said Key, didn't you??? I knew it! That's not how it's pronounced, but congratulations! You tried! And like they say, if at first you don't succeed...try and try again. Wait...that was the first time you said my name...oh. You get what I'm saying. On with the introduction!
So, as I was saying, my name is Khe. It's pronounced just like the letter, K. Even to this day I find it amusing when people ask me for my name and then they ask me "K-a-y"? I just say yes. Makes both our lives much easier for that one split second... I'm 32, Virgo, happily in love, and 2 children. I love long walks on the beach and gazing into the moonlight. You'd think that being happily in love, I would at least get to experience the whole, long walks on the beach scene...NOPE. Nowadays, our quality time is him and the kids sprawled out on the couch and me at the opposite end of the couch just look up stuff on Pinterest & Facebook. That's how we spend our weekends too! Especially when just 10 years ago I was planning on Friday and Saturday nights out with the girlfriends...Who would have thought how much different life would be when you have kids and grow older...People should have warned me...and no our own parents warning us doesn't count. I mean seriously. They are always telling us not to do things...Although, now that I've had a moment to ponder on what my parents told me...I can't believe how much of it is true! Makes me wish I listened to them when I was younger...Oh well, too bad. Can't change the past and the future I can't see. If you can, let me know how it goes!
I'm the second to last in a family of 5...Daddy passed away in 2014. That's when I had my son. That's another post though. I'm very talkative and outspoken. My daughter is the same. If you've ever met my daughter, she's me in mini form...personality wise anyways. Looks she's a bit of both her parents. The cuteness is definitely from me though. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in English from Southern University A&M. I wanted to become a teacher. I've gotten a lot of criticism for that too...
"Teachers don't make much money. Why not become a doctor?"
First off, anyone who decides to make educator a career is not in it for the money. That's a given. And even then, the stress that comes with becoming an educator can't even compensate. Especially those who are teaching in the lower income schools. For me, seeing a child grow up and succeeding in life is priceless...even if it's just for that one year. It only takes one person to show a child that someone cares and to make an impact. When Daddy passed away that passion I had for it just went away. Seeing the children of my generation are being brought up, there is a whole lot of disrespect for elders going around. Children nowadays can be so cruel, and I don't know if that's something my heart can handle. However, there's always the idea that once the baby starts school I can possibly do substitute teaching...just to get my feet in the water. If I can make the difference in just ONE child's life...my purpose would be served. Even to this day I remember the teachers that's made an impact in my life.
My hobbies all start with the letter C. Couponing, crocheting, crafting, and cooking. I haven't really been couponing hardcore like I used too...that's mainly because I've built a steady stockpile. Crocheting, I try to do it at least everyday. I'll have to post my list of crochet projects so I can cross it off as I work on it. Crafting is a daily too. This time I've gotten the daughter and I perler beads! (See what I did there? Daughter & I) I think I am more into than she is at this time. It could be that I have to iron the pieces and not her...And finally cooking! That was something Daddy did everyday. I remember coming home and he would be cooking dinner for Mommy and the rest of us. I see where he struggles with how much to cook...sometimes we would have the WHOLE family over and then other nights...no one. But one thing never changed and that was he ALWAYS waiting for Mommy to come home from work so that they can have dinner together. Unfortunately for me, my man has to work at wee hours of the morning and staying up late to have dinner with Mommy can be a strain. We try to eat together and then when Mommy comes home I try to eat again. Most of the nights I succeed. Then other nights, I can't stuff my face much anymore. Being in the kitchen more has given me a sense of closeness to Daddy. The kitchen is really where I remember Daddy. This one time, I wanted to make spring rolls. I waited for everyone to come for lunch and it ended up that everyone was busy and would be late. So, I decided to go ahead and roll them. Daddy tried to teach me how to roll it and his ended up more of a mess than mine! That was a wonderful memory. My recipes are slim picking though...I need a new oven but that's another day.
Aside from those, this year though I've decided to learn how to knit and do hand lettering. It's steadily getting there. (I lie, I just bought the stuff and printed out some tutorials but haven't started anything yet...those were part of the whole New Year, New Me thing...it's only April so I still have 8 more months to go. )
I'm also a Disney fanatic. Plans have been made to visit the Happiest Place on Earth but alas, plans always fall through and change. There's always next year. And if that doesn't go through there's the following year.
I guess this about sums me up in a nutshell. Hopefully I haven't bored you as much as I thought I would. I figured I can posts my daily happenings on a blog so that one day I can look back and see what's all going on in my life. You're welcome to join in on my fun 😊
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